Module utils

Provides utility functions used by sofine.

"""Provides utility functions used by sofine.

import sys
import os
import imp
import sofine.lib.utils.conf as conf
import sofine.plugins.http_plugin_proxy as http_plugin_proxy

def _load_plugin_module(module_name):
    module = None
    module_file = None
        module_file, module_path, desc = imp.find_module(module_name)
        module = imp.load_source(module_name, module_path, module_file)
        if module_file:

    return module

def _load_plugin_http(plugin_name, plugin_group):
    ret = http_plugin_proxy.HttpPluginProxy()
    ret.set_plugin_url(plugin_name, plugin_group)
    return ret

def load_plugin_module(plugin_name, plugin_group=None):
* `module_name` - `string`. The name of the plugin to load
* `plugin_group` - `string`. The name of the plugin directory of the plugin to load 
Loads a plugin from either the sofine default plugin directory or the plugin directory 
configured by the user in the `plugin_path` key of the `sofine.conf` file in the 
sofine project root. Loading first looks in the `plugin_path` and then in the sofine 
default plugin directory.

A plugin named `plugin_name` found in the plugin directory `plugin_group` is loaded. 

Returns an instance of the plugin module, not the plugin itself. This allows clients 
to declare module scope variables in plugins and use this method (wrapped in 
`runner`) to get an instance of the module to access the variables.
    # conf only loads the base path, without plugin_group subdirectory
    # So always dynamically load the full plugin plath into sys.path
    #  if the call included a plugin_group, otherwise the call to load
    #  the plugin will fail
    base_plugin_path = conf.PLUGIN_BASE_PATH
    if plugin_group:
        base_plugin_path += ('/' + plugin_group)
    sys.path.insert(0, base_plugin_path)
        custom_plugin_base_path = conf.CUSTOM_PLUGIN_BASE_PATH
        if plugin_group:
            custom_plugin_base_path += ('/' + plugin_group)
        sys.path.insert(0, custom_plugin_base_path)

    ret = _load_plugin_module(plugin_name)
    # Didn't find plugin as a Python module so try to find HTTP plugin
    if not ret:
        ret = _load_plugin_http(plugin_name, plugin_group)

    return ret

def load_plugin(plugin_name, plugin_group):
* `plugin_name` - `string`. The name of the plugin to load
* `plugin_group` - `string`. The name of the plugin directory of the plugin to load 

Loads a plugin from either the sofine default plugin directory or the plugin directory 
configured by the user in the `plugin_path` key of the `sofine.conf` file in the 
sofine project root. Loading first looks in the `plugin_path` and then in the sofine 
default plugin directory.

A plugin named `plugin_name` found in the plugin directory `plugin_group` is loaded. 
Note that here "loaded" means a reference to a new instance of an object of the plugin 
class type is returned.
    # Each module is responsible for setting a variable named 'plugin' at
    #  module scope, set to the name of the module's plugin class.
    #  Also, plugins must only have a no-arg constructor.  Thus
    #  this call constructs and returns an instance of the plugin at this
    #  module_name and plugin_group.
    return load_plugin_module(plugin_name, plugin_group).plugin()

def has_stdin():
    return not sys.stdin.isatty()

def namespacer(plugin_group, plugin, name):
* `plugin_group` - `string`. The name of the plugin directory
* `plugin` - `string`. The name of the plugin
* `name` - `string`. An attribute key name

A helper to enforce DRY. Used in the two places that namespace attribute keys which are 
appended to the attributes associated with the keys in the data set built by a sofine call. 
    return plugin_group + '::' + plugin + '::' + name

def get_attr_keys(data):
    """Slice all the attribute lists, which are lists of single key/value dicts mapped to the keys 
in a sofine data set, to return the key from each dict in each list.
* `data` - `dict of string -> list of dict`. The data type of the attributes associated with a key in a 
returned data set."""
    out = []
    attrs_rows = data.values()
    for attrs_row in attrs_rows: 
        for attr in attrs_row:
    return out

def get_attr_values(data):
    """Slice all the attribute lists, which are lists of single key/value dicts mapped to the keys 
in a sofine data set, to return the value from each dict in each list.
* `data` - `dict of string -> list of dict`. The data type of the attributes associated with a key in a 
returned data set."""
    out = []
    attrs_rows = data.values()
    for attrs_row in attrs_rows: 
        for attr in attrs_row:
    return out


def get_attr_keys(


Slice all the attribute lists, which are lists of single key/value dicts mapped to the keys in a sofine data set, to return the key from each dict in each list. * data - dict of string -> list of dict. The data type of the attributes associated with a key in a returned data set.

def get_attr_keys(data):
    """Slice all the attribute lists, which are lists of single key/value dicts mapped to the keys 
in a sofine data set, to return the key from each dict in each list.
* `data` - `dict of string -> list of dict`. The data type of the attributes associated with a key in a 
returned data set."""
    out = []
    attrs_rows = data.values()
    for attrs_row in attrs_rows: 
        for attr in attrs_row:
    return out

def get_attr_values(


Slice all the attribute lists, which are lists of single key/value dicts mapped to the keys in a sofine data set, to return the value from each dict in each list. * data - dict of string -> list of dict. The data type of the attributes associated with a key in a returned data set.

def get_attr_values(data):
    """Slice all the attribute lists, which are lists of single key/value dicts mapped to the keys 
in a sofine data set, to return the value from each dict in each list.
* `data` - `dict of string -> list of dict`. The data type of the attributes associated with a key in a 
returned data set."""
    out = []
    attrs_rows = data.values()
    for attrs_row in attrs_rows: 
        for attr in attrs_row:
    return out

def has_stdin(


def has_stdin():
    return not sys.stdin.isatty()

def load_plugin(

plugin_name, plugin_group)

  • plugin_name - string. The name of the plugin to load
  • plugin_group - string. The name of the plugin directory of the plugin to load

Loads a plugin from either the sofine default plugin directory or the plugin directory configured by the user in the plugin_path key of the sofine.conf file in the sofine project root. Loading first looks in the plugin_path and then in the sofine default plugin directory.

A plugin named plugin_name found in the plugin directory plugin_group is loaded. Note that here "loaded" means a reference to a new instance of an object of the plugin class type is returned.

def load_plugin(plugin_name, plugin_group):
* `plugin_name` - `string`. The name of the plugin to load
* `plugin_group` - `string`. The name of the plugin directory of the plugin to load 

Loads a plugin from either the sofine default plugin directory or the plugin directory 
configured by the user in the `plugin_path` key of the `sofine.conf` file in the 
sofine project root. Loading first looks in the `plugin_path` and then in the sofine 
default plugin directory.

A plugin named `plugin_name` found in the plugin directory `plugin_group` is loaded. 
Note that here "loaded" means a reference to a new instance of an object of the plugin 
class type is returned.
    # Each module is responsible for setting a variable named 'plugin' at
    #  module scope, set to the name of the module's plugin class.
    #  Also, plugins must only have a no-arg constructor.  Thus
    #  this call constructs and returns an instance of the plugin at this
    #  module_name and plugin_group.
    return load_plugin_module(plugin_name, plugin_group).plugin()

def load_plugin_module(

plugin_name, plugin_group=None)

  • module_name - string. The name of the plugin to load
  • plugin_group - string. The name of the plugin directory of the plugin to load

Loads a plugin from either the sofine default plugin directory or the plugin directory configured by the user in the plugin_path key of the sofine.conf file in the sofine project root. Loading first looks in the plugin_path and then in the sofine default plugin directory.

A plugin named plugin_name found in the plugin directory plugin_group is loaded.

Returns an instance of the plugin module, not the plugin itself. This allows clients to declare module scope variables in plugins and use this method (wrapped in runner) to get an instance of the module to access the variables.

def load_plugin_module(plugin_name, plugin_group=None):
* `module_name` - `string`. The name of the plugin to load
* `plugin_group` - `string`. The name of the plugin directory of the plugin to load 
Loads a plugin from either the sofine default plugin directory or the plugin directory 
configured by the user in the `plugin_path` key of the `sofine.conf` file in the 
sofine project root. Loading first looks in the `plugin_path` and then in the sofine 
default plugin directory.

A plugin named `plugin_name` found in the plugin directory `plugin_group` is loaded. 

Returns an instance of the plugin module, not the plugin itself. This allows clients 
to declare module scope variables in plugins and use this method (wrapped in 
`runner`) to get an instance of the module to access the variables.
    # conf only loads the base path, without plugin_group subdirectory
    # So always dynamically load the full plugin plath into sys.path
    #  if the call included a plugin_group, otherwise the call to load
    #  the plugin will fail
    base_plugin_path = conf.PLUGIN_BASE_PATH
    if plugin_group:
        base_plugin_path += ('/' + plugin_group)
    sys.path.insert(0, base_plugin_path)
        custom_plugin_base_path = conf.CUSTOM_PLUGIN_BASE_PATH
        if plugin_group:
            custom_plugin_base_path += ('/' + plugin_group)
        sys.path.insert(0, custom_plugin_base_path)

    ret = _load_plugin_module(plugin_name)
    # Didn't find plugin as a Python module so try to find HTTP plugin
    if not ret:
        ret = _load_plugin_http(plugin_name, plugin_group)

    return ret

def namespacer(

plugin_group, plugin, name)

  • plugin_group - string. The name of the plugin directory
  • plugin - string. The name of the plugin
  • name - string. An attribute key name

A helper to enforce DRY. Used in the two places that namespace attribute keys which are appended to the attributes associated with the keys in the data set built by a sofine call.

def namespacer(plugin_group, plugin, name):
* `plugin_group` - `string`. The name of the plugin directory
* `plugin` - `string`. The name of the plugin
* `name` - `string`. An attribute key name

A helper to enforce DRY. Used in the two places that namespace attribute keys which are 
appended to the attributes associated with the keys in the data set built by a sofine call. 
    return plugin_group + '::' + plugin + '::' + name

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