Module google_search_results

Plugin that wraps calling the Google search API.

"""Plugin that wraps calling the Google search API.

import urllib
import urllib2
import json
from sofine.plugins import plugin_base as plugin_base

def query_google_search(k):
* `k` - `string`. The query term.

Helper that calls Google Search API with a query and returns JSON results set. 
Returns an array of JSON objects in the `['responseData']['results']` value  as 
described in the documentation for `get_child_schema`.
    url = '{0}'.format(urllib.quote(k))
    ret = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    ret =
    ret = json.loads(ret)
    if ret: 
        ret = {'results' : ret['responseData']['results']}
        ret = {'results' : []}
    return ret

def get_child_schema():
    """An optional function which returns the list of child keys that are associated
with the parent key `results` defined in `self.schema`.

This API returns an array of JSON objects, with the possible fields shown in the example.
Hence the return type is list of lists, because this plugin returns
a list of objects, each with this possible set of keys.


    [['GsearchResultClass', 'unescapedUrl', 'url', 'visibleUrl', 'cacheUrl', 'title', 
    'titleNoFormatting', 'content']]

Example of one of the child objects in the array associated with `results`:

        "GsearchResultClass": "GwebSearch",
        "cacheUrl": "",
        "content": "View the basic <b>AAPL</b> stock chart on Yahoo! Finance. Change the date range, chart type and compare Apple Inc. against other companies.",
        "title": "<b>AAPL</b>: Summary for Apple Inc.- Yahoo! Finance",
        "titleNoFormatting": "AAPL: Summary for Apple Inc.- Yahoo! Finance",
        "unescapedUrl": "",
        "url": "",
        "visibleUrl": ""
    return [['GsearchResultClass', 'unescapedUrl', 'url', 'visibleUrl', 'cacheUrl', 'title', 
             'titleNoFormatting', 'content']]

class GoogleSearchResults(plugin_base.PluginBase):

    def __init__(self):
* ` = 'google_search_results'`
* ` = 'example'`
* `self.schema = ['results']`
* `self.adds_keys = False`
        super(GoogleSearchResults, self).__init__() = 'google_search_results' = 'example'
        self.schema = ['results']
        self.adds_keys = False

    def get_data(self, keys, args):
* `keys` - `list`. The list of keys to process.
* `args` - `'list`. Empty for this plugin.

Calls Google Search using their AJAX API to send a search query and return JSON.
        return {k : query_google_search(k) for k in keys}

plugin = GoogleSearchResults 


def get_child_schema(


An optional function which returns the list of child keys that are associated with the parent key results defined in self.schema.

This API returns an array of JSON objects, with the possible fields shown in the example. Hence the return type is list of lists, because this plugin returns a list of objects, each with this possible set of keys.


[['GsearchResultClass', 'unescapedUrl', 'url', 'visibleUrl', 'cacheUrl', 'title', 
'titleNoFormatting', 'content']]

Example of one of the child objects in the array associated with results:

    "GsearchResultClass": "GwebSearch",
    "cacheUrl": "",
    "content": "View the basic <b>AAPL</b> stock chart on Yahoo! Finance. Change the date range, chart type and compare Apple Inc. against other companies.",
    "title": "<b>AAPL</b>: Summary for Apple Inc.- Yahoo! Finance",
    "titleNoFormatting": "AAPL: Summary for Apple Inc.- Yahoo! Finance",
    "unescapedUrl": "",
    "url": "",
    "visibleUrl": ""
def get_child_schema():
    """An optional function which returns the list of child keys that are associated
with the parent key `results` defined in `self.schema`.

This API returns an array of JSON objects, with the possible fields shown in the example.
Hence the return type is list of lists, because this plugin returns
a list of objects, each with this possible set of keys.


    [['GsearchResultClass', 'unescapedUrl', 'url', 'visibleUrl', 'cacheUrl', 'title', 
    'titleNoFormatting', 'content']]

Example of one of the child objects in the array associated with `results`:

        "GsearchResultClass": "GwebSearch",
        "cacheUrl": "",
        "content": "View the basic <b>AAPL</b> stock chart on Yahoo! Finance. Change the date range, chart type and compare Apple Inc. against other companies.",
        "title": "<b>AAPL</b>: Summary for Apple Inc.- Yahoo! Finance",
        "titleNoFormatting": "AAPL: Summary for Apple Inc.- Yahoo! Finance",
        "unescapedUrl": "",
        "url": "",
        "visibleUrl": ""
    return [['GsearchResultClass', 'unescapedUrl', 'url', 'visibleUrl', 'cacheUrl', 'title', 
             'titleNoFormatting', 'content']]
  • k - string. The query term.

Helper that calls Google Search API with a query and returns JSON results set. Returns an array of JSON objects in the ['responseData']['results'] value as described in the documentation for get_child_schema.


class GoogleSearchResults

class GoogleSearchResults(plugin_base.PluginBase):

    def __init__(self):
* ` = 'google_search_results'`
* ` = 'example'`
* `self.schema = ['results']`
* `self.adds_keys = False`
        super(GoogleSearchResults, self).__init__() = 'google_search_results' = 'example'
        self.schema = ['results']
        self.adds_keys = False

    def get_data(self, keys, args):
* `keys` - `list`. The list of keys to process.
* `args` - `'list`. Empty for this plugin.

Calls Google Search using their AJAX API to send a search query and return JSON.
        return {k : query_google_search(k) for k in keys}

Instance variables

var adds_keys

var group

var name

var schema


def __init__(


  • = 'google_search_results'
  • = 'example'
  • self.schema = ['results']
  • self.adds_keys = False
def __init__(self):
    """ = 'google_search_results'` = 'example'`
elf.schema = ['results']`
elf.adds_keys = False`
    super(GoogleSearchResults, self).__init__() = 'google_search_results' = 'example'
    self.schema = ['results']
    self.adds_keys = False

def get_data(

self, keys, args)

  • keys - list. The list of keys to process.
  • args - 'list. Empty for this plugin.

Calls Google Search using their AJAX API to send a search query and return JSON.

def get_data(self, keys, args):
eys` - `list`. The list of keys to process.
rgs` - `'list`. Empty for this plugin.
s Google Search using their AJAX API to send a search query and return JSON.
    return {k : query_google_search(k) for k in keys}

class plugin

class GoogleSearchResults(plugin_base.PluginBase):

    def __init__(self):
* ` = 'google_search_results'`
* ` = 'example'`
* `self.schema = ['results']`
* `self.adds_keys = False`
        super(GoogleSearchResults, self).__init__() = 'google_search_results' = 'example'
        self.schema = ['results']
        self.adds_keys = False

    def get_data(self, keys, args):
* `keys` - `list`. The list of keys to process.
* `args` - `'list`. Empty for this plugin.

Calls Google Search using their AJAX API to send a search query and return JSON.
        return {k : query_google_search(k) for k in keys}

Instance variables

var adds_keys

Inheritance: GoogleSearchResults.adds_keys

var group


var name


var schema

Inheritance: GoogleSearchResults.schema


def __init__(


Inheritance: GoogleSearchResults.__init__

  • = 'google_search_results'
  • = 'example'
  • self.schema = ['results']
  • self.adds_keys = False
def __init__(self):
    """ = 'google_search_results'` = 'example'`
elf.schema = ['results']`
elf.adds_keys = False`
    super(GoogleSearchResults, self).__init__() = 'google_search_results' = 'example'
    self.schema = ['results']
    self.adds_keys = False

def get_data(

self, keys, args)

Inheritance: GoogleSearchResults.get_data

  • keys - list. The list of keys to process.
  • args - 'list. Empty for this plugin.

Calls Google Search using their AJAX API to send a search query and return JSON.

def get_data(self, keys, args):
eys` - `list`. The list of keys to process.
rgs` - `'list`. Empty for this plugin.
s Google Search using their AJAX API to send a search query and return JSON.
    return {k : query_google_search(k) for k in keys}

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