Module file_source

from sofine.plugins import plugin_base as plugin_base
from optparse import OptionParser
import json

def get_keys(path):
* `path` - `string`. The path to the file_source configuration file

Retrieves a set of keys found in the file named in the `path` arg.
Keys must be written in a valid JSON object, which has a single key 
`keys` and a JSON array of valid JSON values for keys.  

    // Example 
    {"keys" : ["AAPL", "MSFT"]}

Provided as a helper to the plugin class and also as a convenience for clients 
to retrieve the keys found in a given file at `path.` A common use case might be to 
store a list of keys at `path` and start a chained sofine call with the call to 
`file_source` to retrieve a static set of keys to then pass to other plugins that 
don't add keys themselves but just retrieve attributes for the keys passed to them.
    file_source_json = None
    with open(path) as f:
        file_source_json = json.load(f)
    return file_source_json['keys']

class FileSource(plugin_base.PluginBase):
    def __init__(self):
* ` = 'file_source'`
* ` = 'standard'`
* `self.schema = []`

This is a dynamic plugin for which adds_keys() is True but it only 
provides keys to the data set, not attributes for those keys. So
it's schema property is [].

* `self.adds_keys = True`

This plugin adds keys from it's file.
        super(FileSource, self).__init__() = 'file_source' = 'standard'
        self.schema = []
        self.adds_keys = True

    def get_data(self, keys, args):
* `keys` - `list`. The list of keys to process. Should be empty for this plugin which 
in any case will ignore the argument.
* `args` - `'list`. The args for calling this plugin. There is one, the path to the 
file with the keys to be retrieved.

Loads a set of keys found in the file named in the `path` arg, which
is the first and only element in `args`.

    // Example: 
    {"keys" : ["AAPL", "MSFT"]}
        path = args[0]
        new_keys = get_keys(path)
        data = dict.fromkeys(new_keys, {})
        return data

    def parse_args(self, argv):
        """`[-p|--path]` - Path to the file listing the keys to load into this data source.
        usage = """
[-p|--path] - Path to the file listing the keys to load into this data source.
        parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)

        parser.add_option("-p", "--path", 
                        action="store", dest="path",
                        help="Path to the file listing the keys to load into this data source. Required.") 

        (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv)
        is_valid = True
        if not opts.path:
            print "Invalid argument error."
            print """
Your args:  
  path {0}""".format(opts.path)
            print usage
            is_valid = False

        return is_valid, [opts.path]

plugin = FileSource


def get_keys(


  • path - string. The path to the file_source configuration file

Retrieves a set of keys found in the file named in the path arg. Keys must be written in a valid JSON object, which has a single key keys and a JSON array of valid JSON values for keys.

// Example 
{"keys" : ["AAPL", "MSFT"]}

Provided as a helper to the plugin class and also as a convenience for clients to retrieve the keys found in a given file at path. A common use case might be to store a list of keys at path and start a chained sofine call with the call to file_source to retrieve a static set of keys to then pass to other plugins that don't add keys themselves but just retrieve attributes for the keys passed to them.

def get_keys(path):
* `path` - `string`. The path to the file_source configuration file

Retrieves a set of keys found in the file named in the `path` arg.
Keys must be written in a valid JSON object, which has a single key 
`keys` and a JSON array of valid JSON values for keys.  

    // Example 
    {"keys" : ["AAPL", "MSFT"]}

Provided as a helper to the plugin class and also as a convenience for clients 
to retrieve the keys found in a given file at `path.` A common use case might be to 
store a list of keys at `path` and start a chained sofine call with the call to 
`file_source` to retrieve a static set of keys to then pass to other plugins that 
don't add keys themselves but just retrieve attributes for the keys passed to them.
    file_source_json = None
    with open(path) as f:
        file_source_json = json.load(f)
    return file_source_json['keys']


class FileSource

class FileSource(plugin_base.PluginBase):
    def __init__(self):
* ` = 'file_source'`
* ` = 'standard'`
* `self.schema = []`

This is a dynamic plugin for which adds_keys() is True but it only 
provides keys to the data set, not attributes for those keys. So
it's schema property is [].

* `self.adds_keys = True`

This plugin adds keys from it's file.
        super(FileSource, self).__init__() = 'file_source' = 'standard'
        self.schema = []
        self.adds_keys = True

    def get_data(self, keys, args):
* `keys` - `list`. The list of keys to process. Should be empty for this plugin which 
in any case will ignore the argument.
* `args` - `'list`. The args for calling this plugin. There is one, the path to the 
file with the keys to be retrieved.

Loads a set of keys found in the file named in the `path` arg, which
is the first and only element in `args`.

    // Example: 
    {"keys" : ["AAPL", "MSFT"]}
        path = args[0]
        new_keys = get_keys(path)
        data = dict.fromkeys(new_keys, {})
        return data

    def parse_args(self, argv):
        """`[-p|--path]` - Path to the file listing the keys to load into this data source.
        usage = """
[-p|--path] - Path to the file listing the keys to load into this data source.
        parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)

        parser.add_option("-p", "--path", 
                        action="store", dest="path",
                        help="Path to the file listing the keys to load into this data source. Required.") 

        (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv)
        is_valid = True
        if not opts.path:
            print "Invalid argument error."
            print """
Your args:  
  path {0}""".format(opts.path)
            print usage
            is_valid = False

        return is_valid, [opts.path]

Instance variables

var adds_keys

var group

var name

var schema


def __init__(


  • = 'file_source'
  • = 'standard'
  • self.schema = []

This is a dynamic plugin for which adds_keys() is True but it only provides keys to the data set, not attributes for those keys. So it's schema property is [].

  • self.adds_keys = True

This plugin adds keys from it's file.

def __init__(self):
    """ = 'file_source'` = 'standard'`
elf.schema = []`
 is a dynamic plugin for which adds_keys() is True but it only 
ides keys to the data set, not attributes for those keys. So
 schema property is [].
elf.adds_keys = True`
 plugin adds keys from it's file.
    super(FileSource, self).__init__() = 'file_source' = 'standard'
    self.schema = []
    self.adds_keys = True

def get_data(

self, keys, args)

  • keys - list. The list of keys to process. Should be empty for this plugin which in any case will ignore the argument.
  • args - 'list. The args for calling this plugin. There is one, the path to the file with the keys to be retrieved.

Loads a set of keys found in the file named in the path arg, which is the first and only element in args.

// Example: 
{"keys" : ["AAPL", "MSFT"]}
def get_data(self, keys, args):
eys` - `list`. The list of keys to process. Should be empty for this plugin which 
ny case will ignore the argument.
rgs` - `'list`. The args for calling this plugin. There is one, the path to the 
 with the keys to be retrieved.
s a set of keys found in the file named in the `path` arg, which
he first and only element in `args`.
// Example: 
{"keys" : ["AAPL", "MSFT"]}
    path = args[0]
    new_keys = get_keys(path)
    data = dict.fromkeys(new_keys, {})
    return data

def parse_args(

self, argv)

[-p|--path] - Path to the file listing the keys to load into this data source.

def parse_args(self, argv):
    """`[-p|--path]` - Path to the file listing the keys to load into this data source.
    usage = """
--path] - Path to the file listing the keys to load into this data source.
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
    parser.add_option("-p", "--path", 
                    action="store", dest="path",
                    help="Path to the file listing the keys to load into this data source. Required.") 
    (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv)

    is_valid = True
    if not opts.path:
        print "Invalid argument error."
        print """
th {0}""".format(opts.path)
        print usage
        is_valid = False
    return is_valid, [opts.path]

class plugin

class FileSource(plugin_base.PluginBase):
    def __init__(self):
* ` = 'file_source'`
* ` = 'standard'`
* `self.schema = []`

This is a dynamic plugin for which adds_keys() is True but it only 
provides keys to the data set, not attributes for those keys. So
it's schema property is [].

* `self.adds_keys = True`

This plugin adds keys from it's file.
        super(FileSource, self).__init__() = 'file_source' = 'standard'
        self.schema = []
        self.adds_keys = True

    def get_data(self, keys, args):
* `keys` - `list`. The list of keys to process. Should be empty for this plugin which 
in any case will ignore the argument.
* `args` - `'list`. The args for calling this plugin. There is one, the path to the 
file with the keys to be retrieved.

Loads a set of keys found in the file named in the `path` arg, which
is the first and only element in `args`.

    // Example: 
    {"keys" : ["AAPL", "MSFT"]}
        path = args[0]
        new_keys = get_keys(path)
        data = dict.fromkeys(new_keys, {})
        return data

    def parse_args(self, argv):
        """`[-p|--path]` - Path to the file listing the keys to load into this data source.
        usage = """
[-p|--path] - Path to the file listing the keys to load into this data source.
        parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)

        parser.add_option("-p", "--path", 
                        action="store", dest="path",
                        help="Path to the file listing the keys to load into this data source. Required.") 

        (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv)
        is_valid = True
        if not opts.path:
            print "Invalid argument error."
            print """
Your args:  
  path {0}""".format(opts.path)
            print usage
            is_valid = False

        return is_valid, [opts.path]

Instance variables

var adds_keys

Inheritance: plugin.adds_keys

var group


var name


var schema

Inheritance: plugin.schema


def __init__(


Inheritance: plugin.__init__

  • = 'file_source'
  • = 'standard'
  • self.schema = []

This is a dynamic plugin for which adds_keys() is True but it only provides keys to the data set, not attributes for those keys. So it's schema property is [].

  • self.adds_keys = True

This plugin adds keys from it's file.

def __init__(self):
    """ = 'file_source'` = 'standard'`
elf.schema = []`
 is a dynamic plugin for which adds_keys() is True but it only 
ides keys to the data set, not attributes for those keys. So
 schema property is [].
elf.adds_keys = True`
 plugin adds keys from it's file.
    super(FileSource, self).__init__() = 'file_source' = 'standard'
    self.schema = []
    self.adds_keys = True

def get_data(

self, keys, args)

Inheritance: plugin.get_data

  • keys - list. The list of keys to process. Should be empty for this plugin which in any case will ignore the argument.
  • args - 'list. The args for calling this plugin. There is one, the path to the file with the keys to be retrieved.

Loads a set of keys found in the file named in the path arg, which is the first and only element in args.

// Example: 
{"keys" : ["AAPL", "MSFT"]}
def get_data(self, keys, args):
eys` - `list`. The list of keys to process. Should be empty for this plugin which 
ny case will ignore the argument.
rgs` - `'list`. The args for calling this plugin. There is one, the path to the 
 with the keys to be retrieved.
s a set of keys found in the file named in the `path` arg, which
he first and only element in `args`.
// Example: 
{"keys" : ["AAPL", "MSFT"]}
    path = args[0]
    new_keys = get_keys(path)
    data = dict.fromkeys(new_keys, {})
    return data

def parse_args(

self, argv)

Inheritance: plugin.parse_args

[-p|--path] - Path to the file listing the keys to load into this data source.

def parse_args(self, argv):
    """`[-p|--path]` - Path to the file listing the keys to load into this data source.
    usage = """
--path] - Path to the file listing the keys to load into this data source.
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
    parser.add_option("-p", "--path", 
                    action="store", dest="path",
                    help="Path to the file listing the keys to load into this data source. Required.") 
    (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv)

    is_valid = True
    if not opts.path:
        print "Invalid argument error."
        print """
th {0}""".format(opts.path)
        print usage
        is_valid = False
    return is_valid, [opts.path]

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